Eat from the rainbow! This dish is popular at Harrison’s, and has been adapted here to include colorful, healthful purple potatoes.


  • 2 pounds Butternut Squash – peeled and seeded
  • 2 pounds Purple Potatoes
  • 16 oz. Local Goot Essa Sharp Cheddar – grated
  • 1 T. Poultry Seasoning
  • 3 cloves fresh garlic – peeled and minced
  • 1 C. Meyer Dairy heavy cream
  • Salt and White Pepper to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Generously butter a 9 by 12 inch gratin dish.
  2. Slice the Squash into 1/8 inch thick pieces.
  3. Peel the potatoes and slice them into 1/8 thick inch pieces.
  4. Stir the fresh minced garlic into the heavy cream in an easy to pour container.
  5. Layer ½ of potato in the bottom of the gratin dish.
  6. Sprinkle with 1/3 of poultry seasoning, salt and pepper, ¼ of cheese,
  7. Pour 1/3 of cream with garlic over this layer
  8. Layer ½ of squash on top of the first layer
  9. Repeat the sprinkling of seasonings, cheese, cream/garlic – in same amounts
  10. Layer ½ of potato on top of previous layer
  11. Repeat the sprinkling of seasonings, cheese, cream/garlic – in same amounts
  12. Layer remaining ½ of squash on top of previous layer
  13. Press down firmly on the layers with a spoon or your hand
  14. The cream should just cover the layers after pushed down (add a little milk if needed)
  15. Sprinkle the remaining ¼ of cheese on top of gratin
  16. Cover the dish with plastic wrap and then again with foil
  17. Bake for 45 minutes, then remove the plastic and foil – and potatoes are tender
  18. Bake for another 10 minutes to brown the cheese on topServes approximately 8-10 as a side


  • Leave the peel on the potato – it will change the taste and texture, but add great fiber and vitamins
  • Replace heavy cream with half & half or use milk and thicken with a bit of cornstarch.
  • Eat with lean grilled chicken and a steamed vegetable

By Chef Harrison Schailey
Harrison’s Wine Grill & Catering
1221 East College Ave (in the Hilton Garden Inn)
State College, PA  16801
menus online @