The toe touch is a great corrective exercise for improving you lower body movements. If one cannot perform a toe touch, compensations will occur in other fundamental movement patterns such as squatting, lunging, deadlifting, etc. Compensations lead to muscle dysfunction, asymmetries, immoble/hypermobile joints, and ultimately pain. Fixing the toe touch will carry over to improving your lower body movements.
To begin, stand with your feet together and assess how far you can reach your hands to your toes without bending your knees. Next, put a soft object between your thighs and put your heels on a heel raise. Simultaneously squeeze the object with your inner thighs and reach your hands to your toes as far as you can without bending your knees. Do ten repetitions.
After you do ten repetitions with the heels elevated, turn around and elevate your toes. Do ten repetitions. Next, do ten repetitions with the object between your knees and feet flat on the floor. After completing ten repetitions with your feet flat, go back to the heel raise and elevate your heels. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and squat until your hands touch your toes. Keeping your hands on your toes, straighten your legs out as far as you can. Perform 5 repetitions.
Finally, stand with your feet together and reassess how far you can reach your hands to your toes without bending your knees.