One on One has always been committed to maintaining the highest standard of safety and cleanliness. In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, we have taken strong action to ensure a socially distanced experience for our clients and team members.
Aside from daily cleaning procedures, here are the additional steps we take to ensure safety, cleanliness, and social distancing:
- The facility is designed and equipped to promote social distancing and limit sharing of equipment.
- We are currently limiting occupancy to no more than 20 clients at any one time.
- Our HVAC system incorporates both ERV’s (Energy Recovery Ventilators) to circulate new, fresh air from the outside and UV/hydro-peroxide plasma units installed in our ductwork to treat our air. In addition, we use medical grade MERV-13 antimicrobial filters for the system.
- Requiring our clients to read and sign One on One’s Client Covenant to protect one another.
Our clients come to One on One because of our reputation for helping individuals achieve their fitness goals. We have achieved this reputation by working as a team. Although you may have one or two trainers that you usually work with and are most comfortable with, our Team Training system ensures that all team members are qualified and prepared to train you at the highest level. First, we assign you a Program Manager based on availability, personality and individual expertise. This is the team member that is responsible for keeping your medical history, goals, and Blueprint for Success up to date. If a different team member will be working with you, they need only review your file to know exactly what One on One has planned during a given session. Although reviewing the file would be enough, your Program Manager always communicates with the team member about your special needs to ensure that you have the best possible experience.
Although it is natural that you might become attached to a particular individual, you are here for the fitness and for the results. You must not shy away from working with different trainers. For example, if you need to change an appointment with your regular trainer, but he/she is unavailable to work with you at another time, we will look for a different trainer to work with you that day. One of the benefits of being at One on One is having the ability to maintain the continuity of your program despite scheduling challenges. It is your program that is the priority…not the individual training you.
Clients generally resist working with a new trainer, which is understandable. Please trust that we don’t want to make any changes to a good client/trainer relationship unless it is absolutely necessary. However, we must take our trainer’s ongoing interests and desires for professional growth into account. This occasionally means lightening their training schedule and giving them new opportunities.
Burnout is a real problem in our industry. If we didn’t make changes and create job diversity for our trainers, they would leave and then everyone loses. The irony being that the client would end up with a new trainer anyway. We want our team members to enjoy what they do and stay at One on One for the long term.
Having a regular/master schedule is typically the most ideal situation for clients and the One on One training team. Once your appointment has been placed on the master schedule, it is essentially yours, meaning that we are responsible for ensuring a trainer is available. At the same time, you are responsible for regularly using your reserved slot.
It is important to understand that our schedule is essentially full at all times, making it impossible to reserve appointment times on the master schedule for clients who frequently cancel. It is unfair to both our trainers and to other clients who have requested the same time slot. Accordingly, we cannot allow master schedule times to be reserved if clients are not using them at least 75% of the time.
It is important to mention that, in addition to not working for us, missing a master slot more than 25% of the time likely means it isn’t working for you either. We have other, more flexible options available to help ensure you are meeting your exercise frequency objectives.
Finally, we understand that for some clients, a regular schedule will not work. Although we cannot guarantee availability without a regular schedule, One on One will always do its best to accommodate this situation and is most often successful when a reasonable window of availability is provided.
Yes, you can change your regular schedule if needed. With as much notice as possible, notify your trainer(s) by giving them the details of how your schedule will be changing and your new availability. They will communicate this to senior staff. A senior staff member will then contact you to discuss potential solutions.
Unfortunately, we will not always be able to accommodate your requests. Should this happen, you will be placed on our Schedule Request List. As soon as a spot becomes available that suits your needs, we will get you in it. In the meantime, One on One will do its best to see that you train as often as you should until your requested time slot becomes available.
Progressing a fitness program is not an exact science. We want our clients to see results as quickly as possible, but don’t want to move so quickly that they are excessively sore or get injured.
Communication is key! Our basic expectation of all clients is that they communicate with their trainer(s) in real-time about issues such as exercise intensity, exercise likes/dislikes and overall program satisfaction. The sooner we know, the sooner we can address the issue.
In addition, expect to be sent a Program Evaluation Form (PEF) – PEFs ask detailed questions about accomplishments, goals, potential roadblocks and updates to your medical history. Often, PEFs provide enough information to preclude the need for a Client Conference. Other times, they reinforce the need for a formal meeting. Completing a PEF must be done at least once per year and is mandatory. In addition to helping us with your programming, it provides us with updated medical information. When it is sent to you, please take time to complete it so we don’t have to do so during a training session.
This information is extremely important to our mutual success. Taking the time to share it is a small commitment on your part, especially when you compare it to the total investment of time you are making towards your health. Our most senior staff members use this information to help your trainer develop and continually morph your program, making it the very best.
Client Conferences are formal meetings between you and the appropriate One on One team member(s). The objective of these formal meetings is to ensure that each client is having the best possible experience at One on One. Updating changes to a client’s medical status, progression toward goals, changes to goals, exercise likes/dislikes are a few of the topics that are addressed. Expect to have a Client Conference four to five weeks into your program, then as often as you and/or your trainer deem necessary.
Client Conferences will be held at the beginning of an already scheduled session. Some conferences may only take a few minutes, while others may take the entire length of the session. Many clients need that time to share where they are and where they want to be. Others simply prefer to get busy exercising. We will meet each individual where they need to be met.
Monday – Friday 6:00 am – 7:30 pm
Saturday/Sunday 8:00 am – 1:00 pm
A full 24 hours’ notice must be given in order to change, cancel or reschedule an appointment for there to be no charge for the originally scheduled session. For example, if the session you need to change is scheduled at 8 a.m., please call and notify us by 8 a.m. the day prior.
Without this policy, cancellations would become far too frequent. Some would cancel at the last minute for the most frivolous reasons. Our team members would, to say the least, become disillusioned. It is important to remember that many of our trainers are paid per session. This is how they earn their living. With 24 hours’ notice, they are given the opportunity to get your time slot filled by another client.
Occasionally there is confusion regarding the “rescheduling” of a session to another time on the same day. Without exception, if you cancel the original session and “reschedule” during the same day, you will be charged for both sessions. If your trainer isn’t given 24 hours to get your time slot filled with another opportunity to work, they will be paid and you will be charged. In addition, it is often burdensome for the trainer to put that second session onto their schedule that day. For example, they could be training clients from 6:00 AM until 4:00 PM, then have an additional session added at 4:00 PM. They are used to long days and will go the extra mile to help you with your schedule, but they need to get paid in both instances.
One on One will be open and taking appointments in all but the most inclement weather. Should we decide to close or modify our hours, we will post an announcement on our Forum (
Regarding the specific policy for Minitab employees:
If the State College Area School District (SCASD) CANCELS classes for the day, there is an automatic cancellation of all personal training sessions for that day. However, your personal trainer will be prepared to meet with you that day at a mutually agreed upon time, should you choose to do so. To get your appointment rescheduled, CALL One on One (234-1625). Any One on One team member will be able to help you get back on the schedule. It is the employee’s responsibility to CALL (do not email) as soon as possible to reschedule your appointment, if you would like.
If the State College Area School District (SCASD) has a DELAYED OPENING or EARLY DISMISSAL, then employees with a scheduled training session affected by the delayed school opening or early dismissal must CALL (do not email) One on One and notify them if they will miss their scheduled session. There is no automatic cancellation of personal training sessions when school opening is delayed or there is an early dismissal. It is your responsibility to call One on One and notify them if you cannot make your scheduled training session. If you do not call and cancel your session, then One on One will assume you will be keeping your scheduled training session.
If Minitab CLOSES EARLY due to the weather, it is your responsibility to CALL (do not email) One on One and notify them if you cannot make your scheduled appointment.
If the forecast calls for a storm on the day of your training session, it is recommended that you call One on One in advance of your session and cancel your training appointment and then reschedule if you are able to make it to your appointment.
Simply speak with a team member or call One on One (234-1625). DO NOT EMAIL. There are too many variables and problems associated with e-mailing cancellations/scheduling issues for us to allow it.
When calling, the team member answering the phone will take care of cancelling your session. They will always attempt to get you rescheduled, regardless of whether you have cancelled with 24 hours’ notice or not. With 24 hours’ notice, there is no charge for the change. Without it, you are scheduling an additional session to the one you cancelled as outlined in FAQ #8. It is up to you to make the decision as to whether you want to schedule an additional session or not. The team member handling the call will not be responsible for reviewing the financial ramifications of rescheduling your appointment unless asked.
There are too many variables and problems associated with e-mailing cancellations/scheduling issues for us to allow it.
- We must keep our schedule accurate at all times. When a cancel/reschedule is e-mailed, it may take several hours before it is seen. This not only creates a real-time accuracy problem for us internally, but also brings into play our 24-hour cancellation policy. A cancellation could be e-mailed 24 hours in advance, but first seen with much less notice.
- When trying to determine mutually agreeable scheduling/rescheduling options, there is often some discussion needed to determine what works. A telephone conversation allows us to quickly explore what is possible versus a time-consuming back-and-forth by email.
Remember that this policy only applies to near-term (7 days) cancellations/reschedules. All other email communications are welcome.
In order to maintain professional integrity, One on One discourages team members from sharing their personal cell phone numbers with clients. We ask that you respect our position and not ask staff members for their cell phone numbers or for texts.
Minitab clients who regularly train for 2 training sessions each week (two 30-minute sessions or two 50-minute small group training session) with a One on One trainer have access to our facility seven days per week. Minitab clients must schedule a session at One on One to be given an orientation prior to training at the facility independently.
There is a process to properly re-starting a client on a results-oriented program. Senior staff needs to gather pertinent information in a consultation, design your fitness program, and then prepare the team to start working with you. This is significant, but necessary work that sets you up for success.
Our client’s friends and family are always welcome at One on One for a $25.00 fee. The daily fee for non-affiliated individuals is $40.00. In addition to the daily fee, we ask that your guest sign a waiver prior to using the facility. Special arrangements can be made if your guest would like to meet with a trainer, join you for your training session or use the facility for an extended visit. Please call ahead when bringing a guest.
One on One has no childcare facilities. For their safety and the safety of others, children are not allowed in the facility unattended.
Shoes and shirts are required at One on One. Appropriate footwear is extremely important with training. Please discuss footwear with your trainer. Closed toe shoes are required for use of the endurance equipment such as treadmills, elliptical, bikes, etc. On occasion your trainer may have you perform exercises in your stocking feet. Going barefoot is not permitted.
Refer to Minitab’s Fitness Room Rules for Minitab’s policy on appropriate dress.
Many people suffer from Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS). Individuals with MCS possess an unusually severe sensitivity or allergy-like reaction to many different kinds of pollutants, including (among other things) perfumes, colognes and scented lotions. We have several clients and staff members who are affected by MCS. Your cooperation helps to ensure that everyone at our facility has the best possible experience.
In order to improve the sustainability of your program and ensure your success, many of the tools used as part of your training program are available for purchase. Foam rollers, resistance tubing, massage stick, Airex pads, etc. are all available. Ask your trainer which tools would be beneficial for use as part of your independent exercise program.
Most importantly, your training program must continue. Your trainer will create a travel program for you. Please give your trainer ample time to prepare.
If you are gone between 1 and 14 days, your master schedule appointment time will remain reserved and no additional evaluations will be necessary. If you are away for 15 days or more, your originally requested time slots cannot be reserved and a senior staff member may need to be involved in the first training session upon your return.
A client that has been away from One on One for more than 60 days must do another intake session.
Our Virtual Training service provides One on One’s Personal Fitness program to clients who travel for extended periods of time. These sessions are delivered via Facetime, Skype or Zoom and are prepared in advance based on your goals and information gathered from your previous exercise session.
Facility Improvements
We’ve re-designed and equipped the facility with more dumbbells, kettlebells, and Freemotion cables to allow for exercising with your own equipment in your socially distanced space.
We have serviced and upgraded our HVAC system to include both UV and hydro-peroxide plasma technology to treat our air. In addition, we use custom made MERV-13 antimicrobial filters in our system.
Cleaning Procedures
Staff members will be disinfecting equipment and high-touch areas throughout the day. Clients are expected to disinfect any equipment they have used.
Policies/Procedures for Team Members
- Wear a face mask or cloth face covering while training or interacting with clients.
- Disinfect hands immediately upon entering facility.
- Will not come to work when feeling sick.
- Will report immediately if testing positive for COVID 19
- Take temperature each morning before reporting to work. Do not report with temperature of 100.0 or higher.
- Read, understand, and enforce our new policies and procedures.
- Wash hands often, and for the recommended 20 seconds.
- Practice social distancing.
Expectations of Clients
- Do not come to One on One if you are experiencing any signs/symptoms of COVID-19. We have modified our 24-hour cancellation policy to prevent people from attending sessions should they experience symptoms. You can read more about this in the 24-hour cancellation policy section. If you exhibit signs of sickness, you will be asked to leave.
- Clean equipment after use.
- Totally respect 6-foot social distance. Please be especially careful in the tighter confines of the locker rooms.
- Sanitize hands immediately upon entering facility.
- Towel service is discontinued. Bring your own towels.
- Locker rooms will remain open…social distancing is the key.