“Clearly, One-on-One has positively impacted the quality of my life. I have regained much of my previous athleticism, balance, flexibility, energy, AND confidence to pursue an active retirement…for many more years to come. More importantly, my family and friends see and recognize the difference.”
Cliff Wurster’s Experience
General Douglas MacArthur, as he turned the final page on his storied military career, offered this somewhat somber observation. “Old soldiers never die, they just fade away.” Apparently, he foresaw retirement as an uninspired, dwindling, and nonessential period.
Not so for me! I view retirement quite differently. Closing one door only means opening another to new, diverse, and exciting opportunities. One-on-One was such an opportunity…it offered a program of inspiration, rejuvenation, and relevance. If one committed to their program, then one could enjoy a solid foundation for an active, vigorous lifestyle.
For the past year and a half, I pursued a personal training program designed, altered, intensified, and tweaked by my trainer to match my desired goals. These goals correspond with the prominent activities I participate in like cycling, golfing, hunting, and fly fishing. This spring, I set my sights higher and pulled an item from my “bucket list”—enroll in a white-water raft rowing course. Could this aging body step-up to the challenges of sustained rowing on a violent river in Colorado at 7500 feet altitude?
Let me proudly proclaim—“been there, done that, and got the tee-shirt.” My rafting instructor complimented my strength and endurance, but paid an even higher tribute to my trainer, Megan, who he said deserves credit for properly and thoroughly preparing me for the rigors of learning to row successfully in Class IV/V waters.
Clearly, One-on-One has positively impacted the quality of my life. I have regained much of my previous athleticism, balance, flexibility, energy, AND confidence to pursue an active retirement…for many more years to come. More importantly, my family and friends see and recognize the difference.
The One-on-One Team are caring professionals. They coach, they cheerlead, and they are invested in your progress. My success with this program is possible because they match the trainer with one’s goals and personality. Together, we have met, and in many cases exceeded, my goals and expectations. We work hard, but keep it fun; it is a friendly partnership.
Thanks One on One!
Cliff Wurster, State College, PA
Client since December 2008