Small Group Training (SGT) provides One on One’s unique brand of personal training at a lower price point. Our spacious personal training facility is designed so you can engage in your personal training program while using your own equipment.

What is Small Group Training?

Under the leadership of a One on One fitness professional, 2-5 clients engage in specialized, dynamic small group training sessions. Each SGT participant does their own, individualized program. Our team of personal trainers design your training session in advance and deliver sessions that challenge each individual safely and effectively.

Why it works:

Individualization, effectiveness, affordability and flexible scheduling make for a successful program at One on One. SGT combines them all so you can get results and sustain success for the long-term.

The Small Group Personal Fitness Program:

Upon completion of the Personal Fitness Program, you will be equipped to train both independently and in supervised small group training sessions. The Small Group Personal Fitness Program (SGPF) consists of 8 SGT sessions per month and unlimited facility access, creating an affordable and flexible solution that gets you results.

In the 60+ age category, I needed a safe program that also challenged me to continue to increase my fitness and overall health. One on One meets this goal every day!

Claudia Mincemoyer, One on One Client


small group training schedule

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