Sponsor your own corporate wellness initiative by creating a “contest within the contest”  

Promotion within your organization begins early January.  

The NHC 2016 provides an easy, effective corporate wellness initiative that costs almost nothing and takes very little effort to administer. The only cost is whatever you choose to spend on prizes for the winners of your internal contest.

As an employer, you have a unique opportunity to be “part of the solution” by helping inspire our community members…your employees…to make better decisions regarding their dietary/lifestyle habits.

Choose internal contest prize(s):

Prizes could be anything from t-shirts to paid days off. If you choose to, you can have an individual and family division.

Inform your employees and their families: Send them an email in early January informing them about the NHC 2016 and describing your internal contest. Send a second email on Monday, January 25th reminding them they have 6 days left to register. A final email can be sent on Saturday the 30th.

Promote the Challenge: Be creative…have your CEO and senior management team share their nutrition commitments and update their success weekly; have different departments compete against each other…whatever can generate excitement!

Collect scorecards at end of contest and conduct drawing: Have everyone who is successful with their commitment for 25 out of the 29 days turn in a copy of their scorecards to you. Schedule a time to hold your drawing and pull the winning scorecards out of a hat. This drawing and eligibility is in addition to the drawing that the NHC 2016 will hold at Otto’s on 3/19/16. Your successful employees will also be included in the drawing for the trip and many other great prizes!

For more information contact us at NHC@oneononefit.com.