Do you know what you should be doing with your nutrition, but still struggle?
Do you eat for reasons other than hunger and nutrition?
Is the challenge of maintaining good nutrition a constant source of unease?

In order to enjoy the benefits of good nutrition, you must know what to do and how to do it. Too often, information and desire aren’t enough….we can’t get out of our own way and don’t know why.

Join Julie Thompson, MS, RD and Mary Boutselis, Ph.D. on Tuesday, January 18th at 7:30 as they discuss nutrition and the psychological challenges associated with maintaining a healthy, intelligent diet.

Some of the issues they will address include:

– Building a diet to promote sustained energy and weight control
– The importance of meal composition and meal timing
– Modifying factors that contribute to body fat storage
– How stress and emotional health affect our eating
– Strategies to address “emotional” eating
– Learning to eat intuitively

Date:         Tuesday January 18
Time:         7:30 to 9:00 pm
Location:   One on One
                   424 W. Aaron Drive
Cost:         $25.00 donation to either CCYSB or CVIM

Register Here…Space is limited