Corrective Exercise for Individuals
The program begins with a ninety-minute Initial Consultation to (1) review the participant’s medical history, lifestyle, corrective exercise goals, and (2) perform a thorough movement screen. We then use this information to design a personalized program of Corrective Exercise. Each training session is used to re-assess and “tweak” the participant’s home program.
The program includes:
- 90-minute Initial Consultation to review the participant’s medical history, lifestyle, corrective exercise goals and conduct Functional Movement Screen
- Program design based on information gathered during Initial Consultation
- Six 45-minute sessions to implement personalized plan
Supportive materials:
- Corrective Exercise Program including photos and detailed descriptions
Corrective Exercise for Small Groups (2-8 participants)
Smaller class size means more hands-on instruction and more advanced “pre-hab”, recovery and regeneration techniques. In addition to the two-hour workshop, each participant will be entitled to a thirty-minute One on One personalized training session to reassess, mark progress and provide more individualized modifications.
Each participant will receive:
- Functional Movement Screen
- Pre-hab, recovery and regeneration instruction
- Corrective Exercise instruction
- Personalized plan of Corrective Exercise program based on priorities determined from Movement Screen
- One 30-minute session of One on One personalized instruction (to be scheduled within 30 days of workshop)
Supportive materials:
- Corrective Exercise Workbook including photos and detailed descriptions
Corrective Exercise for Teams (10-12 participants)
This two-hour workshop is for athletic teams, management teams, or any group of individuals with a common goal of enhancing human performance and preventing injury. Although conducted in a group setting, the objective of this program is to provide each participant with a personalized plan.
Each participant will receive:
- Functional Movement Screen
- Corrective Exercise instruction
- Personalized plan of Corrective Exercise program based on priorities determined from Movement Screen
Supportive materials:
- Corrective Exercise Workbook including photos and detailed descriptions