Hear what our clients say about One on One…
I really appreciate Lonny’s ability to communicate openly and be understanding of the obstacles I sometimes face while still having high expectations. When I came to One on One I had been told by many therapists all of the things I shouldn’t do. I was very frustrated because I knew listening to them was resulting in me getting in worse and worse shape. It has taken time to pull everything apart and rebuild and I am very happy with the progress.
Jill Detwiler
Any person who comes to One on One, whether an accomplished athlete or a self-proclaimed couch potato (such as myself), is welcome with open arms, and shown that fitness is a way of life that will make you feel great inside and make others feel great as well.
My experience at One on One has been life changing! I have been made to feel at home from the very first day I walked through the door.
Stacy Moerschbacher
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All I had to do was to match the same dedication that One on One’s professional trainers give to me. It’s something I feel every time I walk through the door.
From day 1, each member of the One on One team has cared for me personally. They want me to succeed and are dedicated to my journey, partnering with me to establish, modify, and enhance my goals every step of the way. I started to do things, both physically and mentally, that I never thought possible.
The individualized attention we receive from our trainers is outstanding and we never feel that our workouts are ‘cookie cutter’.
I could always stay a step ahead of my boys … until last summer when I couldn’t even keep up. As a coach, I felt I was letting them, and myself, down. One could argue that aging closed the gap and, yes, weight was holding me back. But I was determined to fight it.
I feel tremendous success both physically and mentally which spills over into all aspects of my life.
They call themselves “Fitness Consultants” which is a little more accurate, but I’d go as far as calling them a “Fitness family”. That may sound odd, but everyone there is so warm and welcoming and there’s always a friendly and comfortable atmosphere while you’re working out. Every person there genuinely cares about you on more than just a “client” level: they want you to succeed.
It’s the little things that mean a lot to me–the fact that trainers with whom I’ve never trained know my name and always offer a warm, friendly greeting; everyone seems very happy there (trainers and clients alike); and the cleanliness of the facility is impeccable.
If you ever wondered whether a personal trainer is worth it, stop thinking about it and call One on One. They are worth every penny and then some!
Since joining One on One, I have lost weight, put on an incredible amount of muscle, reduced my stress and blood pressure, and feel stronger than I ever have.
My two very athletic sons both had serious health issues last year. My oldest son, Cole, had to have knee surgery for a growth issue which put him in a brace for 12 weeks. My youngest son, Mac, was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. One on One’s Youth Athletic Readiness program helped Cole start 9th grade football on time and learn about safe movement. Mac will start Youth Athletic Readiness Training this summer and One on One will help him be the best athlete he can be while at the same time managing his intense use of blood sugar.
One on One University has completely changed my own personal philosophy of fitness training and has extensively increased my knowledge and experience as a personal trainer. As a trainer, I can only hope and strive to achieve the same level of expertise and professionalism that One on One displays. Without a doubt, this experience will help me do that.
The One on One exercise program that was custom-designed for my specific condition and expertly executed by their incredibly well-trained staff has done wonders. I no longer feel like a crippled old man with a bad back.
We strongly recommend One on One, Fitness Consultants Inc. as a vendor of choice in providing fitness benefits in a corporate setting to any corporation who is serious about implementing a state of the art fitness program for its employees…One on One brings to the table a level of expertise and professionalism that has helped us achieve our strategic business goals in terms of cost control and employee engagement.
About a year ago I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease…Knock on wood, my symptoms have remained mild, I think to the credit of One on One.
One on One University gave me opportunities I could never get from reading textbooks and earning a certification…Thanks to One on One, I am now confident and I am looking forward to beginning my career in fitness as a personal trainer.
I’ve lost almost 25 pounds. I am all the healthier and happier for it. Rest assured that I would not have started, and would not have sustained the weight loss without One on One and their approach.
Exercising three times a week with Kym Burke has changed my life. Her knowledge and encouragement have helped me shed 30 pounds.
I have lost 46 pounds, many inches, four sizes in clothing, and lowered both my blood pressure and cholesterol. I am much stronger and both my physical appearance and mental attitude have improved dramatically. I accomplished much more than I ever expected in a short period of time. I feel wonderful!
When I first came to One on One four years ago, I was 50 years old and weighed almost 300 pounds. I needed to work with professionals who could understand my challenges, see my vision and have the expertise to help me succeed. One on One has been the answer. I have lost over 50 pounds and feel great.
I’ve experienced a number of medical problems over the years. Without One on One I don’t know what I would have done. I don’t think I’d be doing what I’m doing today.
One on One has become such an integral part of my life…I don’t know what the next 10 years has in store, but I know that I’ll be starting my 50’s feeling strong, healthy, and on a really good day…maybe even a little buff!!!
The exercise I was doing on my own was probably hurting me more than it was helping, but I didn’t realize it until I decided to try the new “To Go!” program.
It has been more than a decade since I began my association with One on One. The strength I have acquired is commensurate with the credit I give to specialized, compassionate trainers and an atmosphere that could well be called the “Cheers” of health clubs.
Following hip surgery and the appropriate therapy, I was in need of a program specifically designed to help me regain physical fitness.
I was overweight and couldn’t climb a flight of stairs…you kept me coming back and sticking to my program.
As my physical condition improved, I noticed other changes in my life. I still had a hectic and long work week, but I had more energy and did not feel the stress I had in the past.
I have made great strides in my fitness level, lost 3 inches from my waistline and have noticed that my endurance level and strength is getting stronger every month.
As I was approaching the “Big Five-Oh,” I became more concerned with my future quality of life.
We have been enjoying a wonderful retirement thanks in large part to our friends and instructors at One on One.
Bill & Grace Steele
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It’s great! One on One has worked for me for over 20 years!
Clearly, One-on-One has positively impacted the quality of my life. I have regained much of my previous athleticism, balance, flexibility, energy, AND confidence to pursue an active retirement…for many more years to come. More importantly, my family and friends see and recognize the difference.
Returning to One on One was one of the best decisions I have made.
The change in my energy level is remarkable. I weigh what I did twenty years ago, but am actually stronger now.
I felt overwehelmed. I was overweight, anxious and not sure what I wanted to do with my life. Exactly two years later, I was three sizes smaller and enjoying the best health of my adult life. I was astonished with the results. The experience was so amazingly positive for all aspects of my life that I made a decision to become a fitness professional myself.
In my career, I have never been exposed to a system of training yielding the kind of results I have experienced with you.
As a result of your program and your highly professional and competent staff, I have come a long way toward reinventing myself and achieving a level of fitness that I thought I’d never see again in my lifetime.
As the years go by, the pay-off for being proactive and making fitness a top priority becomes more and more clear.
Since starting the Group Training Classes, I have become much stronger and toned. I now know what core strength really is! The professional staff at One on One is amazing. They are always there teaching me proper technique and adding progressions to the exercises.