By: Will Sunner

For this week’s focus point, we are going to discuss a form of training that everyone does at One on One: unloaded training. The specifics of unloaded training are different for every individual, but the basic concept is to exercise without any additional external load. Bodyweight training and resistance band training are two common examples of unloaded training.

Unloaded training provides us with a number of great benefits. First, it is very adaptable, so you can do unloaded exercise anywhere. Since unloaded training requires little to no equipment, you don’t have to be in the gym, and you can stay active easily while traveling or on vacation.

Also, unloaded workouts can offer great intensity without putting any unnecessary stress on your joints. Intensity can be tweaked through a number of variables like repetition speed, the amount of tubing tension, and your stance or base of support. A basic movement pattern such as a tubing chest press can be done with multiple levels of intensity, perfectly suiting all fitness levels.

Unloaded training is great for creating a metabolic disturbance and increasing EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption), which is the driving force behind weight loss and body transformation. The key is to challenge yourself with this form of training; unloaded work should not be considered “rest time” until you get to your traditional “loaded” exercises.

In order to get the most out of your unloaded training, it’s essential not to “fuzz out.” Even though you are not working with heavy dumbbells, you still need to maintain your mental focus. This will keep you safe and ensure you are getting the most out of your time working out. A simple trick I like to use with unloaded training is to focus on the muscle group that is being challenged. With every rep, actively engage and squeeze the muscle group that is being worked. By doing this you are ensuring that you are getting the most out of every repetition.

For this week and moving forward, let’s all take advantage of unloaded exercise. Challenge yourself, stay focused, and work with intensity. You will feel the difference and know that unloaded exercise gets the job done!