We’ve had a number of people asking, so we thought it would be helpful to re-post the information regarding One on One’s Holiday Trainer Bonus Program.

Although it is not expected or required, our clients occasionally treat their trainers with special gifts during the holiday. We are grateful to you for recognizing their special efforts, as are they. We have developed a unique gift idea that benefits you, your trainer, One on One and our charities.

Make a donation to either CVIM or CCYSB for anywhere between $10.00 and $250.00 and One on One will contribute the same amount, in your name, to your trainer in the form of a special year-end bonus. Instead of giving to the trainer directly, give to one of our charities and let us give to the trainer. Everybody wins!
Here’s how it works:

  • Bring a check made out to either CCYSB or CVIM for any amount up to $250.00.
  • Put your trainers name in the memo. Your trainer will be made aware of your holiday gift.
  • One on One will total the checks given in each trainer’s name and give them a bonus of up to $1250.00 apiece!

You win by treating your trainer to a very generous, tax deductible gift while supporting two exceptional local charities. Your trainer wins with a wonderful, year-end cash bonus. One on One wins because we are facilitating an opportunity to support two of our favorite causes…our team members and “Give Back”!

Copyright 2011 Fitness Consultants Inc. All rights reserved.