One on One is out and about this Spring!
If you’ve got a child or grandchild ages 11-18, there’s a good chance they’re going to run into someone from One on One this Spring. When we visit, make sure they get the details on how they can earn the chance to win a free One on One Fitness Experience this summer.
Check out this schedule of events:
April 13 – June 8: State College Assembly of God: Monday Night Football (warm-up and educational Fitness Minute)
April 23, 24, 27: Park Forest Middle School (guest presentation and workout for 7th and 8th grade Health and PE classes)
May 14: St. Joseph Catholic Academy (guest presentation and workout for all students)
June 1, 3, 5: Mount Nittany Middle School (guest presentation and workout for 7th and 8th grade Health and PE classes)
“We live in an exceptional community. It feels great to give back!” – Ryan Burke
If you’d like to learn more about having One on One visit your school or organization, please contact us at