Blog and News on Fitness, Health, Diet, and Nutrition2023-09-22T15:29:20-04:00

The One on One Fitness Blog

Are you a “Dabbler”?

For 35+ years, we've have had the privilege of helping thousands of people navigate through their “wellness journey”. If there is one piece of advice we would share to ensure lasting success, it is to start with the right mindset and use a measured approach.


Increasing NEAT, or non-exercise activity thermogenesis, is a small change that can play an integral role in weight loss or maintenance.

Calorie Dense vs. Nutrient Dense

The nutritional quality of the calories that we eat each day can have a significant impact on our efforts towards healthier living, disease prevention, and weight loss.

Avoid “Cheap Intensity”

Unfortunately, many HIIT participants (and instructors) gauge the effectiveness of their workouts by how hard they are with no regard for how smart they are.

Focus on the Process

We often focus our attention and effort on something we have little control over: the outcome. Instead, we should focus on what we have total control over: the process.

Kettlebell Training

When used correctly, kettlebells are appropriate for people of all ages and fitness levels, and have been proven to improve strength, power, endurance, mobility, and back health.

Enjoy Your HEALTHY Weekend

There are a variety of reasons why the weekends pose unique challenges. Check out our strategies to maximize your weekend!


When it comes to a strong core, planking is where it's at! Planking is a safe, effective way to strengthen your core and help you move better.

Indoor Cycling

Indoor cycling is one of the most effective modes of endurance training. Combining purposeful indoor cycling workouts with good nutrition and strength training is a solid recipe for improved body composition and fitness.

Joy of Cooking

You don't need to be a 5-star chef to make cooking more enjoyable! Here are a few simple tips to help you experience the joy of cooking.

TRX Training

The TRX suspension trainer has proven to be a valuable asset to our training programs at One on One. It combines body-weight resistance training with multi-planar movement patterns to stimulate improvements in core stability, strength, flexibility, and balance.

The Scoop on Added Sugars

Consuming the majority of your daily sugar intake from natural rather than added sources will not only help prevent chronic disease but will also ensure your body is getting the nutrients that are vital to long term health and happiness.


Take advantage of EPOC and get your body burning more calories at rest!

Hydration: Are You Drinking Enough Water?

We all know that we need to drink water, but how much is enough? And, what happens if we fall short? This week’s Focus Point will highlight the benefits of staying hydrated, as well as provide strategies to increase hydration.

Functional Fitness: Rowing

Whether to open/close doors, get the lawn mower started, or bring our grandchildren in for a hug, rowing is necessary for our activities of daily living.

Functional Fitness: Deadlifts

Including deadlifts in your fitness program can help strengthen other exercises performed in the gym and help you achieve a variety of workout goals.

Functional Fitness: Squatting

Whether you’re exercising at One on One or going about your activities of daily living, you do a lot of squatting! Know how to do it right.

Stay Focused for Summer

It is easy to put your health and fitness on the back burner while spending more time on other summertime activities (i.e. yard work, vacations, kids’ activities, etc.). For this week’s Focus Point, we are going to discuss potential roadblocks and establish strategies to help maintain your training focus for summer. 

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