Where do I start- I’m sooo happy with every part of my training experience at One on One.
When I started I was overweight, had no balance and no flexibility. I never thought I would consider my upper body as “normal” after all of the many surgeries I have had. However, with each session my confidence, balance, flexibility and strength continues to grow and has already far exceeded my expectations. I have never touched my toes even when I was in top swimming/dance/running shape…but now I can! It blows my mind what I am now able to accomplish in a training session. I have much better balance and flexibility, and feel stronger than ever.
My experience at One on One has been life changing! I have been made to feel at home from the very first day I walked in the door. Every trainer has been so professional, encouraging and helpful to me during my sessions. Even when I think I’m not going to have a good workout, they seem to be able to get me in a totally different frame of mind and I end up having a great session.
Thanks One on One for all you do for me and my family!
Stacy Moerschbacher
PS. I got on the scale for the first time since before Christmas and I have dropped 35 lbs. and I’m starting to feel great in my clothes again!
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