We strongly recommend One on One, Fitness Consultants Inc. as a vendor of choice in providing fitness benefits in a corporate setting to any corporation who is serious about implementing a state of the art fitness program for its employees. Minitab entered into a business arrangement with One on One in 2004 in an effort to keep our low risk employee population stable and potentially motivate our high risk employee population to migrate to a low risk active lifestyle by encouraging participation in our corporate fitness programs. The goal was driven by a business necessity to control our future health care costs since our utilization reports indicated that at least 75% of our potential health care issues occurred in potential lifestyle disease and not catastrophic instances/shock claims.
One on One provides Minitab with onsite personal training services and fitness classes for our employees and their dependents. We could talk about how all of the trainers from One on One are highly professional, educated in state of the art fitness training and committed to the safety and health of our employees and their dependents. We could also talk about how the trainers have developed strong working relationships with their Minitab clients which helps our employees stay on track with their fitness goals. In fact, very few employees drop out of the personal training benefit program. The personal training program at Minitab has only gained momentum; the lack of attrition of the participants attests to its value, both in terms of effectiveness in increased health and in lower stress levels for our employees. Employees have gone as far as saying, “You can cut my 401(k) contribution, freeze my base pay, but please don’t take away the access to my personal trainer. It is my lifeline to controlling my stress.” We feel that is a very powerful statement, especially when most think that salary is what matters to most employees.
One on One has helped Minitab achieve a healthier company and it has had a positive impact on our bottom line. Minitab believes the health of its employees is not only a good economic strategy but also part of a corporate culture that values its employees and places a premium on helping to enable employees to lead healthier lives. Committing resources, which includes a contract with One on One personal trainers, has helped to strengthen our economic and cultural goals and add to the belief that healthy employees are more productive, more present and more committed to their work. In fact, with over six years of data on our corporate wellness program it is clear that the relationship with One on One has helped maintain employee engagement in their personal health status. It is without a doubt that employee health impacts our company in terms of absenteeism, presenteeism, and health care costs.
One on One brings to the table a level of expertise and professionalism that has helped us achieve our strategic business goals in terms of cost control and employee engagement.
If you have any questions or would like to speak to us personally about the Minitab and our One on One vendor relationship, please feel free to call either of us.
Todd Hershbine, Minitab HR Executive
Susanne Marder, Minitab Fitness and Wellness Director
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