Your listing of February client anniversaries reminded me that it is now 4 years since my life started changing for the better when I walked in the door at One On One. My how the time flies– I’ve enjoyed every bit of the time spent there. As a result of your program and your highly professional and competent staff, I have come a long way toward reinventing myself and achieving a level of fitness that I thought I’d never see again in my lifetime.
Soon, I will reach my 66th birthday and the most amazing thing about it is that I don’t feel anywhere near that old. I feel as good as I did 30 years ago. Thanks to my personalized exercise program at One On One, I am substantially stronger, more flexible, more agile and feel better about myself than I have for many years. Although there is nothing I can do about the chronological advance of age, you’ve shown me that I can do something about how I can improve the qualify of my life. I’ve learned that it is never too late to start.
Thanks to all of you and to all the staff of One On One for being there and providing the opportunity for me to achieve what has proven to be a paradigm shift in my life.
My very best regards,
Walter Cheatle
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