Blog and News on Fitness, Health, Diet, and Nutrition2023-09-22T15:29:20-04:00

The One on One Fitness Blog

One Day at a Time

Rather than getting bogged down in what you “should” be doing and where you “hope” to be, we suggest you focus on the here and now, and do so one day at a time (ODAT).

Stay Focused for Summer

It is easy to put your health and fitness on the back burner while spending more time on other summertime activities (i.e. yard work, vacations, kids’ activities, etc.). For this week’s Focus Point, we are going to discuss potential roadblocks and establish strategies to help maintain your training focus for summer. 

Calorie Dense vs Nutrient Dense

The nutritional quality of the calories that we eat each day can have a significant impact on our efforts towards healthier living, disease prevention, and weight loss. One important first step to determine food quality is to understand the difference between foods that are calorie dense and foods that are nutrient dense.


Do you have piles of paper scattered on your desk? Do you consistently miss deadlines or regularly feel overwhelmed and overworked? Do you run late for meetings or miss appointments? If you answered “yes” to any of these, organization may be an issue. Being well organized is essential for maximizing productivity and achieving a well-balanced lifestyle. Organization can be broken into two categories: Physical (i.e. clutter free home and workspace) Mental (i.e. knowing priorities and objectives) Clutter is chaos. If you live or work in an environment overrun with physical clutter, mental clutter is sure to follow. This will cost you more than you think. Living a cluttered life will drain your energy, lead to poor time management, and decrease your overall efficiency and effectiveness.  [...]

Carbs are Key

We asked the experts…is the fear of carbs really warranted? According to our RDs and comprehensive nutrition research, the answer is a strong no!

Lessons Learned in 2018

By Ryan Burke 2018 presented many learning opportunities. Here are a few lessons learned…. Simplify. Last year felt, at times, challenging and complicated. However, the lesson I learned is that life is only as complicated as I make it. I have the power to complicate my life, and conversely, simplify it. When life got challenging, I focused on simplifying my life by maintaining a positive perspective, avoiding overscheduling and completing my days one task, one hour at a time. Avoid speaking in terms of “have to’s” and “should’s.” I used these phrases in my language far too often, and I realized it’s a sign that my life is spiraling out of control. For example, I used to tell myself the following statements: “I have to [...]

Healthy Super Bowl Sunday Snacks

Football games can unfortunately be a trap to overeat unhealthy foods, but it’s not impossible to stay on track with your health goals! Our dietitians have found healthy substitutes for classic dishes to help you avoid excess calories this weekend.

Workstation Ergonomics

This week, we’ll talk about how to set up your workstation to promote better posture and reduce discomfort.

Race to the North Pole: Final Standings

Congratulations Team Vixen! Thank you to everybody who participated. Everyone put in extraordinary effort, and we saw people get excellent results! Let’s keep the momentum going and treat the rest of the year like we are racing to the North Pole!

Race to the North Pole Team Standings

The race continues to be a close one! Keep recording your points and answering the Bonus Question because it's going to come down to this last week. Keep up the hard work!

Race to the North Pole Team Standings

It’s a close race this year! Be sure to continue recording your points and answering the Bonus Question of the Week. Let’s have another great week!

Spine Care: What you need to know

By The One on One Team Have you or someone you know ever experienced back pain? Unfortunately, the answer is probably yes. Studies show that 80% of the population will experience a back problem at some point in their lives, many of which are caused by preventable, lifestyle-related issues. Here’s what you need to know. The Problem: The immobile/hypermobile imbalance The spine is made up of a series of facet joints that allow the torso to rotate, flex, and extend. When we are young, this series of joints moves perfectly in sync with one-another, much like the links of a well-oiled bicycle chain. They “share” the stresses created when flexing, rotating, or extending. As we age, become sedentary, and develop postural deficiencies, this system [...]

Habit Change: Create a New Paradigm

Have you ever experienced the cascading cycle of overeating, limited physical activity, and low self-esteem? Is every meal or snack a struggle? Is the mere thought of exercising a chore?

Elizabeth Goreham

The fact there is absolutely NO sense of competition or judgment at One on One is pretty important to me ... That means everyone – no matter age or current conditioning – quickly becomes part of the ‘family’.

Healthy Eating on a Budget: Dairy

As kids, we we're told to drink milk to build strong bones, and for good reason! Consuming dairy products and other foods that are high in calcium and vitamin D is one easy way to keep bones strong and prevent osteoporosis.

Healthy Eating on a Budget: Protein

We all train hard, and protein is important for muscle recovery. Even when you’re not at the gym, protein is important for muscular and skeletal maintenance, particularly as you age.

Healthy Eating on a Budget: Grains

Part two of our “Healthy Eating on a Budget” series highlights grains…specifically whole grains.  Whole grains contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals that may reduce our risk of chronic lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Accordingly, The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends at least half our grains be whole grains.

Healthy Eating on a Budget: Produce

This week’s post begins our four-part series “Eating Healthy on a Budget.”  Look for upcoming posts highlighting money saving tips for produce, grains, proteins, and dairy products.

Eat a Balanced Breakfast

Make no mistake… breakfast is king! That’s right; just as our parents have always said, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Whether you are trying to decrease body fat or just make it through the day, breakfast is an important step that should not be ignored or forgotten.

Alcohol and Weight Management

When it comes to losing weight, fewer calories (particularly “empty” calories) is generally better. So how does drinking alcohol fit into your weight loss plan? Like all sustainable weight loss plans, the answer lies in making informed, reasonable decisions based on the facts. Read on to find out what you need to know.

RD Kitchen: Travel Snacks

It’s summer…time for road trips! I’m not sure about you, but there’s something about long drives that make me want to snack. When choosing a travel snack, look for foods that include fiber and protein to help you feel satisfied.

What’s Your Motivation for Exercising?

Though short-term objectives can motivate you to start an exercise program or cross specific hurdles, it is the loftier, more meaningful, long-term objectives that will help you sustain a healthy lifestyle forever.

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